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Praisegate Bible Atlas

All places in the Bible with pictures and references - a great Bible study tool!
- Nazareth
The village where Jesus was raised. - Ur
Ur is famous for being the home of Abraham. In antiquity the city was known as Urim. The excavations in 1922-34 discovered a burial site, houses and one of the best preserved ziggurats (religious tower), from the period 2100-1800 BC. - Hezekiahs Wall (part of the broad wall)
King Hezekiah built a wall around the western hill of the city (2 Chronicles 32:5). A portion of this broad wall from the first temple period (1000-586 B.C.) still stands here. It is 8 meters high.
Read the Bible

Some resources to help you get started to read and study the Bible.
- What God says about me
Who I am based on the Word of God. - Message in an Essense
A list of short paragraphs. - Proverbs 7
Proverbs have 31 chapters, one for each day of the month. Start today with 7!
New Songs

We are continually blessed with new songs, here are the latest.
- How can I make you see
Mikael Larsson - Holy, oh oh Holy
Raye Walter - All heaven declares
Noel Richards, Tricia Richards - You Are God Alone
Craig Phillips, Dean Phillips - I surrender all (The Isaacs)
Most Viewed Songs

Most viewed songs right now.
- Oh, the Blood of Jesus
unknown - How Great Thou Art
Carl G. Boberg - All heaven declares
Noel Richards, Tricia Richards - Amazing Grace
John Newton, American traditional - Feliz Navidad, I wanna wish you a Merry Christmas