Places by type
Show places in:
Old Testament
New Testament
Old Testament
New Testament
Places by bible book
- Jerusalem outer walls
- City of David(1004-971 BC)
- Salomons extentions(971-931 BC)
- West expansion(931-586 BC)
- Nehemjah rebuilds the wall(444-442 BC)
- Maccabees expansion(134-76 BC)
- During the life of Jesus(76 BC - 33 AD)
- North expansion(37-70 AD)
- Present wall(1537 AD - now)
- Jerusalem Temple
- Second Temple
- Trails
- Jesus trail (all)
- Jesus trail (Nasareth - Capernaum)
- Other
- Current Weather
- Photos from Panoramio
Welcome to the Bible Atlas
Here you will find:- All places mentioned in the Bible.
- Museums
, parks
and other modern sites that have biblical relevance.
- Pictures, descriptions, links etc.

Different map types:
- Map, satellite, roman imperium.
- It is possible to turn on different layers for example Jerusalem’s walls in different time periods.
The pictures comes from Praisegate's database and from Flickr, where we look up pictures based on the coordinates.
The database have 1355 places. We are working on adding descriptions and correcting the coordinates, please let us know if you find something that needs to be corrected:
We want to acknowledge who provided all coordinates as a start for this project.
License for Maps
Google tiles © Google
Watercolor & Toner: Stamen Design, licensed CC BY 3.0
Roman Imperium © Pelagios contributors, licensed CC BY 3.0
Copyright for Photos
All photos from the Praisegate are free to use for noncommercial purpose. For commercial usage, contact the individual owner.
The Flickr API is used to look up photos based on coordinates. All Flickr photos are copyrighted by their owners.